In all honesty, is there anyone who can live without friends? Friends are the people who surround you most of the time. They can be also described as the foundation of a certain person. The relation that we all share between our friends can bring a great amount of joy and hope in our lives. Based on that person's personality, friends can be easily made and vice versa. We come across many new faces everyday. New people that has a possibility to be your friend, ranging from that moment itself or through a friend of yours. However, what are the odds that you'll find a perfect friend?
A perfect friend can be categorized into few simple characteristics that they hold. Caring, understanding are two of the most valuable characteristics that a friend must hold. Without this particular aspect, friends might as well be considered strangers. A friend who cares and understands you are the jewels of life. They don't come often. When you are down with the blues and they know it, instead of having the usual fun which seems to be a better choice for everyone, they would rather give in to comfort and make us feel better. The perfect friend care and understands our feelings, and does it from the bottom of their heart, not for the sake of something else.
A perfect friend knows how to express their care and concern. What is the use of someone who tells you that they will be there for you through bad and good times when not a slightest sight of the person is to be spotted when you are in need of them? They understand just how much they mean to us. Most people abuse that factor and take these people for granted. So, it is definitely safe to say that a perfect friend of yours will never be one of them.
A perfect friend is someone you can trust, no matter what the situation. When you entrust them with something important, then you shall be at ease. People who are covered with lies and deceptions who abuse this bond of trust are not worthy to be called friends, what more if that person denies the action that they have committed, a fait accompli. A perfect friend is that of someone who are strongly not involved in the situation given above. Trust takes a lifetime to build, but yet just an instant to break it all apart.
Before i move on, I want to clarify that it is selfish of us to only think of someone else to be the perfect friend for ourselves. We are not excluded for being who we are to them as well. Therefore, instead of gaining all the benefits from the perfect friend we all hope for, we should never compromise their happiness for our own selfish needs. Having the perfect friend, makes you a very good friend as well. Because we have to understand and vow to never take their sincerity for granted. So, this can be proven as a mutual bond that two friends have for each other. We have to be a perfect friend in order to find a perfect friend.
Although the perfect friend are widely known to be labelled as impossible, too good to be true, imaginery, I believe that one day, it is possible to meet someone who does understand how we feel. And the last thing i hope is that i can make them feel just as good as they make me feel. Finally, we will all grow old together, reminising the good times we had, with not a sign of regret on our faces.
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