I ain't got much to say, we only talked.. twice? Everybody says that you're the hyperactive type, to be honest, i never seen you jumped before >_> how could someone be hyperactive without jumping?! It's possible though, blah.
Remember the first time we met? I was like
Hey, you krystin right?
Uhh.. yeah..
Dang asked you to be your valentine right? *smiles*
umm :p
And you walked away :D Kitson was laughing his ass off xD I remember you're with Sandra that time. Sandra's post, so sweet :) How I wish I could write like that too.
Remember that I called you honey suddenly that you almost freaked out xD wait.. did you? :p Well Dang or preferably Ian was angry at me for calling you honey. The black book xD
We got married just few weeks after I known you. How incredibly amazing is that. LOL thanks to Siew Ho. "Krystin, I do. Do you?", "I do." That was the fastest wedding I ever had, in fact it was the only wedding I had. To be honest, you're really something. You the girl that every guy wants, you're the girl that everyone envied, but watch out. Some of them might be.. ahem.
Simply said, i'm not that good at writing these stuffs. I have a lousy memory.. I don't even remember my exam marks. Our conversations were dead, no matter what topic we brought up, it most likely ends with a "lol" and fast, really fast. You were always bored, I couldn't un-bored you, instead, i made it worst.
That day i went to your house, I regretted going to school for the briefing, well, maybe just a little, cause i enjoyed the scouts camp. And that day that you said you're coming back in few days time, i actually believed it o_o I almost wanted to asked my bro to fetch me to airport. Dx And i asked Kelly and she said i was pranked. D; My excitement died. lol
Lastly said,
I'm proud to be your husband, I'm proud to be your FRIEND. I wish i could actually do something useful to you, to repay what you have done to me within this months of friendship. You have been the best. Wish you have a good time there and when you're back, let me buy you some teh ais. xD
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