Monday, 29 September 2008

Who knows?

Tag Rules:
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Time: 10.37 PM
Name: Yip Kailiang <>
been on a plane: Yeah
Swam in the ocean: Pulau Pangkor
Fallen asleep in school: D-uhhh. I sleep almost everyday.
Broken someone's heart: I think.
Fell off your chair: Yeah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Uh no but i once called my dad to come back and sleep with me but turned out i fell asleep when he came back. Ok i know its not related to the question at all, blah.
Saved e-mails: 3837 Unread mails..
Chicken pox: Yeah.
Sore throat: Yes.
Stitches: On my head.
Broken nose: Nah.

What is your room like: 2 computers, 1 tv, 1 PS2, 1 single bed, 1 queen sized bed, my grandmother.
What's right beside you: Chair
What is the last thing you ate: Papaya~

Do you ;
believe in love at first sight: Oooh baybeh.
Last made you smile: Yishan ;)
You last yelled at: I dont remember..

Today did you;
Talk to someone you like: No.
Kissed anyone: Yes.
Get sick: No
Talked to an ex: No
Miss someone: Yes.

Best feeling in the world: Whooh
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No
What's under your bed: Tiles
What time is it now: 11.34 PM

Random Qs:
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: Yes.
Q: Do you have any siblings: Yes
Q: Do you want children: Heh.
Q: Do you smile often: You think? :)
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: Its good.
Q: Are your toenails painted: Nope.
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Yours :)
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: Dark Blue
Q: What were you doing at 7.00pm yesterday: Dinner
Q: I can't wait till: Superbike.
Q: When did you cry last: The last time anyone told me i cant get a superbike
Q: Are you a friendly person: If you consider someone who really wants a superbike is, then yeah
Q: Do you have any pets: only superbike :)
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now? : In the Honda Motorbikes shop
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? : I guess.
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on? : No
Q: What are you doing right now? Doing this.
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window? Yeah.
Q: Can you handle the truth? If you give me a steering :)
Q: Are you closer to your mother or father? My dad.
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of? I wonder why ego exists...
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved? What do you mean loved, i still love!
Q: Do you eat healthy? My sexy body says it.
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? :)
Q: How often do you go to church? Only for concerts hahah
Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? Superbike.
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time? Its up to you :)
Q: Are you confident? Depends
Q: 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: Playstation, Playstation 2, Gameboy, Pokemon, Digimon
Q: 5 snacks I enjoy: You, Yew, Yiu, Yuu, Yeau
Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: Superbike. Siuperbike. Xuperbike. Superbaike. Petrol
Q: 5 of my bad habits: Looking too good, flirt too much, joke too much, doing tags, eat
Q: 5 places I have lived in: Your heart, your beautiful eyes, your lips, your warmth, malaysia
Q: 5 jobs I've had: Waiter, student, superbike instructor, superbike model,

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Or maybe you dont.

I have to admit, Freedom Writers is one of the best inspirational movies i have ever seen.

Does it apply to you that you think you are the most unlucky person in the world?
Does it apply to you that you think you have the shittiest life?

Most of us, don't even realize how lucky we are. We don't appreciate what's in front of us, instead, we ask for more. So what if you don't have a Xbox 360 when all your friend does? Some people out there doesn't even have a simple ball to play with.

You might be thinking, this is just another useless piece of crap posts that miserably tries to make me or any other bloggers/writers/journalist sound caring, loving, and anything that you can think of, and using so called THOSE people out there as an ITEM to prove yourself.

You are not wrong. I AM doing it. But nevertheless, i am NOT using them as an item. They are us. We are them. We cant deny facts, we are ordinary human beings.

We may have read many, and i mean a lot of these kind of messages out there. Some may have failed, and some succeeded. BUT, even you failed, it doesn't means that you're not contributing. Everything makes a difference. Even a drop of water that you might be drinking now, which who knows, is the last source of water in the future. WHO KNOWS?

You see, anything we contribute is like a small flame. Lets say if problems is water, and flame is hope. As a single human being in the entire globe, you cant do much. Its a fact. And not every flame lasts. Its like a candle, if you pour a cup of water on it, the fire will die. We cant deny it.

But lets look at it at this way, if everyone made a small flame, it evolves to a bigger flame. And now, it's like a big fire. Can the same cup of water put it out? I dont think so.


29th September 2008

Okay, now that sounded stupid xD I'm currently feeling really blank. Theres nothing on my mind except a carefree feeling, which makes me feel helpless at the same time.

Hm, nothing much about my day. Au Revoir :)

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Maybe you know.

Whooh, triplex excites me :)

The past few months is a special to me for what has happened. I've turned over a new leaf, and i won't complain a single bit anymore :)

Say.. do you believe that something like this can happen? For example, in times you're supposed to be sad/angry, and when you're not, will it timbun inside of you? And then suddenly one day, your sad/angry storage is full, and you just burst out crying? 

Heh, funny. :D

You know, leukimia is a disease that might pass down generations. Which means.. i might get it. I hope not. But my sister has a higher chance than me, cause shes female. Uh.. Talking about this makes me think about the dying in sickness or dying in sleep thingy again :D Clicky.

I don't know why, but i find myself thinking really random stuffs.. In science lab the other day, i thought about, if i were to get clutches, would i get a wooden one, a steel one, or the plastic ones that wraps around your biceps. Ha, and i asked Sarah Fong about it. Irfan oh Irfan, i might get the title now :)

Hmm, i need to further eloborate on a single topic. It's like im talking about this then i jumped to that. 


Jumper :D

I WISH I CAN TELEPORT LIKE THAT. woosh woosh. Neh, if you're thinking that i'll use it for peeking, i guess you're rig- you're wrong. :D If i were to teleport like that, i wouldn't even want a superbike anymore!

I'm sorry, i lied. I still want a superbike. It's like the best man-made invention to me now. 7 more years! Long way to go.. ceh. Julian says i wanna get a superbike just because i want a free hug. Beh.. might be true, but theres more to it :D Prom night superbike, impossible :( i need to pick up my date, well, if i get a date.

OH, i played the finalist game thingy again, but this time, we asked girls. Of course, there's more to it than just having fun, me, Julian and Weng Wai wanted to find out our levels :) For those who doesn't know what is finalist, it is a game where you are given 2 names of your opposite gender, and you compare both on purely looks, and the better one goes to the next level with a better challenger.

Me, Julian and Weng Wai,
Lost to Irfan Hilmi bin Abdul Razak. (wears red on the right)

Dont worry irfan, im not calling you ugly or anything xD just a comparism :) Hope you dont mind.

I guess thats enough for now. Goodnight people.

Kael'thas Sunstrider has just signed out. 

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Taggie Laggy

It may look clear on the surfaces, but reflections show everything.

The Music Shuffle Tag
1. Put your iTunes/ music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
.3. You must put down the song name no matter what.
4.After you’ve answered all of the questions, tag other people and then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the tag themselves.

What would best describe your personality?
I Turn to You - Christina Aguilera
i like to turn to you.

What do you like in a guy/girl?
Legend - Yuu Takami
muahahah i like legendary girls.. MULAN!!

How do you feel today?
Mr. Amsterdam - Sum 41
Call me mr. amsterdam

What is your life's purpose?
Theme of boss - Yuu Takami
Me boss? no way lahh..

What do your friends think of you?
The moment - Yiruma
Im the moment. :D

What do you think of your parents?
L.O.V.E - Ashley Simpson
I'm talking about love!

What do you think about very often?
The Wedding March
HAHHA.. maybe too early

What do you think of your best friend?
More than Words - Westlife
Of course they're more than words!...... they're humans!

What do you think of your crush?
Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park

What do you think when you see your crush?
Sexy Dynamite!! - Ah! My Goddess!

How's your love life?
Disney - A whole new world
Yeap, a world where unicorn and pink castles exists.

What will you dance to at your wedding?
Iron Maiden - Phantom of the Opera

What do you think of your friends?
I'm just a kid - Simple Plan
I'm just a kid, i have no friends :( hahah

What song do you listen to when you are sad?
Movin' On - Elliot Yamin
Wow, the shuffle system thingy is good.

What song do you air guitar to?
Star Wars Theme

What should be your signature karaoke song?
Fergielicious- Fergie
So delicious. <3

What will your future mother-in-law be like?
Drowning - Backstreet Boys
uhh... im so scared now

What is the favourite song of the doctor who will help deliver your baby?
Theme song for Doraemon
LOL when he takes out the stuffs to do.. he reach in his pocket and.. KNIFE!!

If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
One in a million - Bosson
About how people multitask in the wrong time... eg shitting and sleeping

Will you ever get a dog or cat?
Girlfriend - Avril Lavingue
I rather have a girlfriend ;)

Sunday, 7 September 2008

My Apologies.

I'm sorry that i've been ignorant.
I'm sorry that i've been arrogant.
I'm sorry that i dont care about anything.
I'm sorry i let your hopes down.
I'm sorry i couldn't reach any achievements.
I'm a person who disappoints people badly.
I'm a person who can't even be a gentlemen.
I'm a person who totally cares none about other's feeling.
And i'm sorry for all of that. I know a sorry doesn't mean anything, afterall of what i've done.

I don't deserve anything now. Not even a single slight of sympathy. I'm such an asshole. 
Now i can't even compare myself with a lump of crap. What's the difference? I'm a thing that doesn't benefit anything, or do anything that makes people acknowledge me. In other hands, i give people trouble. 

I don't earn life goddamnnit.

I'm ashamed, humiliated in myself, and myself. I'm living in my own world. A life of don't-care-about-anything-and-just-benefit-myself. 




Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Whoooh, i'm back blogger!

I find that Vox is kinda laggy so.. and blogger is more efficient, organized, and yeah. Whooh. Did you know that this blog has not only been used by me myself?

Did you know how this blog was made?

First it was a shared blog. Khing Mae, Dang, Me the 1 Cengalians. At first it wasn't called, obviously.. We named it It was a lala-type blog you see.. and we started posting about crappy stuff. Not long after that our blog has reached around 40 posts, and we're not really into the blog anymore. Khing Mae made her own blog, and no longer sticks around under1sky anymore.

So it was up to me and Dang to lighten up the blog again, and we failed miserably. Well, you know how we are last time.. ahah. After that, i feel like having my own blog, so i took under1sky and claimed it as my own.

And things got smoothen out.. I relinked it as ( you know my previous bag, its brand is Sexy Lion, how cool is that ) And the blogging went well.. i guess. Not long after that, Dang created his own blog. And we post crappy stuffs ;D

And later on, i relinked it as Coz' it's cool ya know. What? It's not?