Hahahah at the post title xD It's been a long time since i'm tagged, and i need to update so i'll just do it :D
Tag 1
1. What was your dream during your childhood?
- I wanna be Power Ranger.
2. Do you like rainy days or sunny days? Why?
- I love rainy days, more than sunny days if theres nothing to do. Rainy days brings up the mood to play the piano x) But i prefer sunny day on an outing.
3. Which colour do you like better? Black or White? Why?
- Grey. Because.... It's between? xD
4. Who would you marry?
- um. You :D
5. Where do you want to go most? Why?
- Places i've never been. Why? Cause i like discovering :D
6. Which part of yourself do you love the most?
- My leg hair? HAH
7. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
- Nothing
8. What are you afraid of losing the most?
- Family & friends.
9. If you met someone you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep it secret,
- I wouldn't confess immediately..
10. List out 3 good points of the one who tagged you.
- 'Problematic in a good way' xD, shes a girl, a human.
11. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half?
- I dont really see the requirements, i just see her :)
12. Up to now, what is the moment you regret most?
- My mom. Now now everybody dont pity me.. im over it.
13. Which type of person do you hate most?
- I dont like hating :D
14. What is your ambition?
- Never thought of it.
15. Would you rather be someone else at this very moment?
- Nope.
16. If you can have 2 dreams to come true, what would it be?
- I wanna laugh forever haahah
17. What do you think is most important in your life?
- Family and friends.
18. Who’s your favourite cartoon character?
- Spongebob?
19. What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
- Hug someone :)
20. The most worthwhile decision you’ve ever made in your life so far?
- To continue living.
Tag 2
Real name: Kailiang.
Nickname: KaiLan, KL, Liang, Chicken
Married: Krystin Ng? haha
Male/Female: Male
High School: SMKDJ
College: To be continued
Are you a health freak?: If you consider drinking coke almost daily and eating sugar everynight then yeah.
Do you have a crush on someone?: I.. Don't know. haha
Do you like yourself?: Sometimes no.
Surgery: Nope, natural sexy body baby.
Person you see in the morning: The picture on my blanket..
Award: Hollywood Best Actor 2007
Sport You Join: Walking
Vacation: My auntie's place
Concert: LOUD?
First Crush: This girl. (duh) :D
Eating: Music
Drinking: Music
I'm about to: Get ready for school
Your Future
Want kids: Sure.
Want to get married: I dont like being alone :D
Careers in mind: *tries to think out of the box* Nah, it's all inside the box.
Which is better?
Lips or eyes: Both
Hugs or kisses: Both
Shorter or taller: You mean?
Romantic or spontaneous: Equal :D
Sensitive or loud: More to the loud :)
Troublemaker or Hesitant: Some trouble would be fun :D
Have you ever
Kissed A Stranger: *muaks* There you go.
Drank Bubbles: Yeah, soap bubbles, and no dont try it.
Lost Glasses/Contacts: Nope.
Ran away from home: Nope.. thought of it.. but never did.
Liked someone younger: Yeah.
Liked someone older: Um... Yu Ting? HAHA
Broke someone's heart: Yes and ain't proud of it :0
Been arrested: Yeah for mollesting Yu Kane and won Wan Jyn in DOTA.
Cried when someone died: Nope, just quiet.
Do you believe in
Yourself: sometimes.
Miracles: It happends when you think it doesn't
Santa Claus: Only Santarina ;)
Magic: Adakadabra!
Angels: If you're one :)
Answer Truthfully
Is there someone you want to be with right now?: *blank*
Do you believe in God?: Should i say yes or no? Cause if i said yes, i'll kinda be lying to myself, and if i said no my friends will come babbling to me :D
End of story. Gotta go get ready shit, no time.
Monday, 31 March 2008
Monday, 24 March 2008
There's something we can do.
Today in class, me and Weng Wai got nothing to do.. so we played something new xD
Paper Dota.
Msn -
Liang says:
Hey, want dota?
Weng says:
Weng says:
You make?
Liang says:
k. go on gg
Liang says:
Room 38
Liang says:
Aremom k
Weng says:
Dota -
[All] liangizzle: -aremom
[All] liangizzle: -di
Liangizzle has randomed Slayer.
youaresolame has randomed Sniper.
[All] liangizzle: die la like this
[All] youaresolame: no la..
liangizzle has bought power threads, energy booster and vitality booster.
youaresolame has bought power threads, bracer, wraith band and blades of alcarity.
Roshan has been slain by Scourge. Each scourge player receives 200 gold.
[All] liangizzle: omg? what the hell you do?
[Allies] youaresolame: greedisgood 1000000
[Allies] liangizzle: iseedeadpeople
[All] liangizzle: omg where you get 3 butterflies??
[All] youaresolame: just type greedisgood 0 :D
[All] liangizzle: Cheater..
[Allies] liangizzle: whosyourdaddy
Cheat Enabled!
[All] liangizzle: >:)
[All] youaresolame: haha, now you die.
youaresolame has bought satanic, 3 butterflies, hood of defiance.
[All] liangizzle : shoot la, hit la, no damage also :)
liangizzle has just pawned youaresolame's head for 200 gold!
First Blood! +200 gold!
[All] liangizzle: :)
[All] liangizzle: wan rmk?
[All] youaresolame: WTH??!! your HP cannot minus de
[All] youaresolame: NOOB CHEATER
youaresolame has left the game.
hahah, damn lame xD
Liang says:
Hey, want dota?
Weng says:
Weng says:
You make?
Liang says:
k. go on gg
Liang says:
Room 38
Liang says:
Aremom k
Weng says:
Dota -
[All] liangizzle: -aremom
[All] liangizzle: -di
Liangizzle has randomed Slayer.
youaresolame has randomed Sniper.
[All] liangizzle: die la like this
[All] youaresolame: no la..
liangizzle has bought power threads, energy booster and vitality booster.
youaresolame has bought power threads, bracer, wraith band and blades of alcarity.
Roshan has been slain by Scourge. Each scourge player receives 200 gold.
[All] liangizzle: omg? what the hell you do?
[Allies] youaresolame: greedisgood 1000000
[Allies] liangizzle: iseedeadpeople
[All] liangizzle: omg where you get 3 butterflies??
[All] youaresolame: just type greedisgood 0 :D
[All] liangizzle: Cheater..
[Allies] liangizzle: whosyourdaddy
Cheat Enabled!
[All] liangizzle: >:)
[All] youaresolame: haha, now you die.
youaresolame has bought satanic, 3 butterflies, hood of defiance.
[All] liangizzle : shoot la, hit la, no damage also :)
liangizzle has just pawned youaresolame's head for 200 gold!
First Blood! +200 gold!
[All] liangizzle: :)
[All] liangizzle: wan rmk?
[All] youaresolame: WTH??!! your HP cannot minus de
[All] youaresolame: NOOB CHEATER
youaresolame has left the game.
hahah, damn lame xD
Sunday, 23 March 2008
All over again.
This morning, or maybe afternoon, i don't know. I was still drowned in my blanket, peacefully dreaming of anything that i could dream of. That is, until my lil cousin, Wenlynn and my lil bro Yishan came in my room and started putting pillows on top of me, and jump on me.
I shoo'd them away, but they still came back and did it. Ahh, so i seriously said stop, and they seriously listened to me. So.. i get to sleep again :D But then, few minutes later only Wenlynn came in and gave me a KISS on the cheek.
Its been ages since i received a kiss xD maybe it was 7 years ago?
That's all i wanna say :)

Wednesday, 19 March 2008
There are time where we're unconcious. Sleeping lah! :)
LOL LOL LOL i seriously didn't know we could rap with Final Fantasy battle song. xDD hahahha. It sounds not bad too hahahah xD wahahhaha xD *getting high*
Mashups in Heaven x) wheeeee. I love how they mix the songs. Im downloading the whole album now o: Thanks to aly im getting used to "o:" xD
Paris is Lonely!! HAHA
Check out their songs here x) X) X) gotta do my arttt~ lalalala hehee.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
When the future seems so near.
Have you experience Deja Vu before? I did.
More like i dreamed about the future. A future that i really met.
The first thing that came to my mind, "I've seen this place before." even though i never even knew a place like that.
I was walking down the same path,
The same sight,
The same movement.
The same scene.
Strange huh? :)
I feel like taking grades, should I? Because if i do i'll improve (Duh), and if i don't i'll still be the same (Duh?). Anyways they said taking grades is a waste of money and time. Eesh.
I tak tahu nak tulis apa.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Being a loner in love.
Well today isn't much, but i guess i need to update eh? :p
I slept at 3.30am last night so i got scolded, not really scolded but kena.. you know, by my maid and my grandma. And i woke up at 7+, need to go softball training. :D
The weather was hot, so am i. Joking x) Anyways, i got hit by a ball on my face, now a little swollen. :D Nothing really happened. We went mamak after that.. and i went home.
Got ready for ou.
Met friends there.
Same old story.
Chit chat, eat, play, movie.
Isn't that what we all do in ou? ;)
And yeah me and Weng Wai was the last to leave.. i followed him back to his house and i walked to centrepoint because my maid doesn't dare to go ou to fetch me =.= WW's dog doesn't like me :(
On the way to centrepoint.. i whistled school song.. no idea why o.O And i saw Mae's driver, what's his name again? Ahmad? I only remember that it starts with an A :D He's a nice guy :)
And i got home.
Speaking of which, i see you guys having much fun with form 1s :) sadly, i have totally no contacts with form 1s. Why?
Is it because i don't speak out? Blah..
What day is today.. March 11. Anything special today?
.. Happy birthday to anyone that is born today.
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