It's been almost TWO WEEKS since i updated my blog.. you guys probably thought I'm gonna delete it sooner or later,
Sadly, No. I made up my mind that i'm not gonna delete anymore..
Ok, back to blogging.
Do you guys remember when the first gameboy came out on the market? Those little squarish black-and-white games? Wish to play them again? FEAR NOT, www.nintendo8.com has it all! From Mario to Nuts & Milk! :D
School has been fine lately, i'm just feeling a little tired. Making me rest my eyes everytime teacher looks away.. Can't catch up with the stuffs. And I need to TALK MORE. I feel so.. quiet, left out, outdated. Booo. :( Softball is fun :D I like catching, batting, basically everything.
Just updating for the sake of updating,